Wednesday, November 5, 2008
November 5, 2008
Dear God, I pray for our country.
Friday, September 19, 2008
aaah! how to handle it all
October I have to plan 2 events, plus one for Early november, figure out halloween costumes, and host an event. crazy.
I'm still trying to lose weight, but it's so slow. Which is ok, as long as it keeps going that way. I love my life. Our business is about to grow exponentially in volume and right after that our team's gonna explode! I have so many things going on w/that which are awesome!
Then there's Christmas!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
things are crazy....but good!
ok so here's my week this week, what's been, what's coming. and things i need to figure out how to get done.
Monday - work, organize office and tax paperwork, recup from weekend away
Tuesday - meetings
Wed - Derek had pool, I took a lot of naps in the evening, totally missing church, then I worked on delicates, cleaned up the coffee table and kitchen (except dishes!), and played a game with the kids. This game is so bizarre. You have this little dude and he has to go around the board, he's carrying a gold coin. after every turn you gotta push on the treasure chest, the whole board shakes, then this skeleton comes out and grabs (or tries to grab) someone's gold. then you gotta start over. it's like mr. bones or something. fun! well after the kids went to bed i planned a spa afe party and watched this past sunday's sermon online that we missed from being in DC.
Thur (today) - kids have football and cheerleading orientation. should be very entertaining. that's 6-8 (say goodbye to the evening)
Friday we're having family movie night. time for relax. Shayne also has psych dr.'s appts in the morning. one at 830 and the other at 9. after kids in bed we pay the bills.
Saturday - swim lessons 9:45-10:30. Summer audition at 10:45 (she might miss swim this week!), kids have a bday party at 2pm. Derek and I will probably hit the gym after that then stay home and get some crap done!
Sunday - sunday school 9:15, church 10:30, picnic 1pm. oh i think i'm also supposed to bring a dessert to said picnic.
so but now what i've realized is that i never plan our meals out anymore and i really need to. so i want to try and start posting that up.
Friday, July 11, 2008
it's Friday!
so it's been awhile since i've made entry. oh well. been busy!
so i just completed 4 weeks of physical therapy on my good ankle, things are going better with my son, and the summer is treating us good. we just finished installing our carpet tiles in our bedroom closet, which rock, and we want to get the kitchen tiles done next. don't know yet if we might remove the paint or paint over the paint that's already on them. ugh! we also need to clean out our gutters...yuck!
we took the kids to our city's music fest last weekend. tomorrow my daughter is going with my mom to the American Girl Place in NYC. She's so excited! Tomorrow we're going to take my son on a boat ride since he loves them so much. Then go swimming. Hooray for the weekend!
Friday, June 6, 2008
woo hoo!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
it's been awhile
As for me, I have been diagnosed with "Posterior Tibialis Insertional Tendonitis"'s a good site for info on it:
Anyway, I have to wear a large uncomfortable ankle brace when I will be on my feet (like going to the store) and go to Physical Therapy 2-3x/week for 2 months. Oh....goodie. My first appt. is next Wednesday.
So, with regard to exercise, we wish to do much more, but life has been SO busy it's impossible. However, we are going to be swimming more so we can get max calorie burn! Who knew!?
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
it's a new week in the fight!
4 oz. cottage cheese, 1 cup applesauce, 1 small bag of chips
big chicken caesar salad for lunch
aaaaaand we're going to the gym tonight
Monday, April 28, 2008
a visit to the Y
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
another glorious day walking!
last night at the gym i did:
15 minutes elliptical
10 minutes walking
3 minutes running at 4.0
30 minutes of weight lifting
Monday, April 21, 2008
children! PC! what has happened?
so apparently on thursday during some form of recess (the one time in the day when the children are allowed to be children) he was chasing some kid with a stick. Some way shape or form the stick was taken away (I think by other kids or something) and he went and got the stick back. Then he proceeded to continute to chase said boy + 1 additional. When he could not catch them, he threw the stick, causing what I can only imagine to be a somewhat minor injury to the boy's arm.
Now, I understand that there are rules, and when rules have been broken, punishments are given. But to be quite honest, a suspension punishes the parent, not so much the student. What ever happened to the dungeon-like in-school suspension programs like we had at my fair EP High? - maybe the HS here has it also and this is due to the young age. He had ISS one time and hated it, I'll only guess it's a "principal doesn't have time for it" type of thing.
Ok so my conflict is where does political correctness and boys are girls meet with boys will be boys? The male species is born to be a hunter, gatherer, and has instict to be of a "warrior" nature. Our society is ripping this from our boys so that many are like women when they grow up. My son is very intellegent and needs to be in the right environment until he's grown enough to learn what's ok and what's not. SEE! There goes the double edged sword again. Even my own expectations are fighting with what my brain says is right. So what gives?
Ugh, I don't even know half the time. I think there should be a special school for boys who cannot deny their inner man. I'm still learning. Flame me if you want. It's not that I think it's ok for my son to hurt Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's wimpy boy. My son does not realize his strength. But at the same time I do think a man ought to be able to defend his family. If he doesn't grow up in it, how can he know it? Aah, I just don't know. We live in a confusing time.
over the weekend...
fri 18th - 45 minutes
sat 19th - 45 minutes
sun 20th - 50 minutes
Thursday, April 17, 2008
more time in today!
on another note, my hun just got a call for a new web development job - which is what he loves to do most, er, well mostly - anyway that's all!
Last 2 days!
And Wednesday (yesterday) I walked for 30 minutes on my lunch, raked leaves for 30 minutes, and then clean-danced for 45 minutes. I won't count the leaf-vacuum time although I was sweating quite a lot, it was not really aerobic. That makes 105 minutes for one day!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Exercise exists again!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Today is a new beginning
I'm not posting it on the knot b/c I don't want the other team to see how much we're doing.